zinnzinn (ZinNNniZ)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Member Since 12th July 2013
zinnzinn joined 4011 days ago and last visited 3588 days ago
Comments 16
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Matthew Mark Luke and John ,Paul

About Me

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It is what it is I am Who I am Just like you My life has its own share of comedy drama and tragedy I don't believe in addiction or addicts I believe in affliction an idiots keep it 100 percent real the truth cannot be debated argued it stands confidently alone Firm no matter what is said about it. is written the lip of truth shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment. guard your tongue two things you can never take back deeds done words spoken. if you are one who will have won. you must be one who will know now.won
weed is wicked pills are poison dope is deadly beer is good

My Reading List

I don't know really by Gg78 (let it be)

Poets I Follow
