xXJezzzikahDawnXx (Jessica Dawn)

Thought Provoker
1awards United States
Read Poems (34)
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Age 28
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 4th December 2011
xXJezzzikahDawnXx joined 4594 days ago and last visited 3589 days ago
Comments 284
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Poet Introduction

Jessica Dawn

Favorite Poets/Writers

Scott Stapp, Mark Tremonti, Amy Lee, James Hetfield, Ozzy Osbourne, Nikki Sixx, and John Petrucci

About Me

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[b]Welcome to my glorious profile!
I appreciate your visit. Thank you kindly!

Let us commence this introduction, shall we? Perhaps you are interested in learning a bit about me. If not, please feel free to gaze at my gallery. I have some fairly decent photos of myself that you can look at there.

To start out with, I am Jessica Dawn. You may have guessed that from looking at my user name. It is just a clever (and by clever I mean it is just a dumb way I decided to make my username a few years ago) way to spell it, so if that momentarily confused you, then you should now be enlightened.

You lovely creatures may address me as Jessica. Jess or Jessi is fine too though, if you would like/prefer those.

Now to switch from my somewhat simple arbitrarial interjections and discontinue my digressions, let me describe my overall personality as best as I can for those who would wish to know. I would say that I am rather monotonous the majority of the time. I could also add that, in terms of my personality ( I discovered this a while back), I consider to be and would describe myself as a "melancholic."

I am not completely enthusiastic on most topics, though I provide excellent opinions on the matter that is at hand. I am critical (cannot help that), but not overly so. I will not strip you down to the bone, nor will I pick and feast upon your fresh flesh. I am just opinionated. I tend to be blunt, so pardon me for that if you ever experience it in a negative fashion. I highly doubt you ever will.

I may as well describe my religious beliefs. I was raised as a strict Southern Baptist. Though I was raised as such, I find myself going in the opposite direction. I found a lot of it to be hypocritical (along with the people). I do not exactly believe in a god or a devil. I believe in natural forces. There is something out there that controls us all, I know, but our job isn't to find and make up all these explanations for it. Our job is to accept it... I believe that you can have morals without religion, because they are common sense.... If you would like to chat about your religion or the subject in general, please feel free to do so, because I love to discuss it and learn new things about other religions.

I know that is a hard subject to digress from, but as for music, I love rock and metal! Call me a fellow Metal Head! However, to what may be your surprise, I also listen to instrumental music. Flutes, Celtic, violin, piano... things like that. I adore how beautifully they sound.

I put myself in the mindset of the lyrics I listen to, and they usually help inspire me to write a poem or two.

I am easily captivated by vocabulary. I love words! If I use a word you don't know, then ask me or look it up on google (Yes, google can be really helpful). Don't pretend to know it or ignore my statements completely for that reason. We should have the desire to learn, because language is a wondrous thing. It is truly fascinating when the arrangement of words come together and flow in a way that creates a magnificent image...

I love conversing, so if you wish to, message me. If I message you, know that you have impressed me enough to want to chat with you for a bit. We could possibly end up having such an enlightening conversation, or one that is friendly and rather interesting (depending on however you wish to present yourself and what we talk about).

I look for intelligence.Consider me a sapiosexual. I respond to everyone that is nice enough to message me, so common courtesy should allow you to do likewise.

I neither like mindless ignorance, nor do I wish to receive it in any form. Don't clutter my inbox with overly flirty messages or anything of that sort, or I probably won't have the desire to speak with you. I neither appreciate nor like useless clutter, so please, I beg, do not craft any!

My Links:




[i]"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
- George Bernard Shaw

"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
- Robert Frost

"I’m entitled to overcome"
- From the song "Overcome" ; Performed by: Creed; Written by: Scott Stapp (Lead Vocalist) and Mark Tremonti (Guitarist)

[color=Purple] "Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart."
- Pablo Casals

"Because philosophy arises from awe, a philosopher is bound in his way to be a lover of myths and poetic fables. Poets and philosophers are alike in being big with wonder."
- Thomas Aquinas

"Does the song you sing
Have enough meaning
Inspire us to sing along
Does the song you sing keep echoing
Inspire us to sing the song you sing"
- From the song "The Song You Sing" ; Performed by: Creed; Written by: Scott Stapp (Lead Vocalist) and Mark Tremonti (Guitarist)

"Look into the future. Look into my eyes and tell me everything's all right. Tell me where we're going. I am so afraid, because I don't know what's going on with my life,... but it will be alright tonight"
-From the song "Old L.A. Tonight" Performed by Ozzy Osbourne and written by John Purdell; Ozzy Osbourne; Zakk Wylde

"Your life's an open book. Don't close it 'fore it's done."
- From the song "Mama Said"  by Metallica (Written by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich)

                [font=Geneva]  [color=Purple]

[color=Green]May Mother Earth guide and let the elements be with you.
Merry Cheers, Lovelies!!!

[size=4]- Jessica Dawn (xXJezzzikahDawnXx)

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Tell Me by DarkSarkazm
Moon, Sun and Stars by Kou_Indigo (Jessica Jennifer Ashton)
F.L.Y. First.Love.Yourself by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
Segregation by Poetryman
Curtain of Night by BruceBurkard

Poets I Follow
