
Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (53)
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Member Since 26th December 2012
weaver joined 4209 days ago and last visited 3590 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I aim to write poems with rhyme and rhythm and which entertain, amuse, or have the potential to help make the world a better place.

Favorite Poets/Writers

deep underground poetry

About Me

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I am a very simple man,
I eat my dinners from a can,
I use no plate, and use no cup,
For that might lead to washing up.

My clothes are lying in a pile,
I don't believe it's worth my while,
To fold them neatly in a drawer,
When they're just fine upon the floor.

It's rare for me to comb my hair,
Some people stare but I don't care.
I know it's not my looks that count,
But what I do that's paramount.

I drive a car from '84,
It's done two hundred miles or more.
I take it easy when I drive,
So that I'll arrive alive.

When I write I like to rhyme,
Just drop a line or send a sign,
If you like the things I say,
And now I wish you a good day.

Poets I Follow
