waitingforgodet (jim)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (34)
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Member Since 30th November 2010
waitingforgodet joined 4966 days ago and last visited 4891 days ago
Comments 46
Forum Posts 1
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Poet Introduction

I write poetry from time to time.  How do you introduce yourself as a poet other than putting your stuff out there?

Favorite Poets/Writers

shakespeare, thomas, blake ,Plath

About Me

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I write fiction, poetry and essays.  Certainly don't like doing it--what sane person likes to do it?  

If there are any members living nearby, perhaps we could all get together and have live readings and hear live and helpful criticisms too.  It just might be a fun thing to do.

Also, this site is a wonderful vehicle for us who write verse or anything, for that matter; however, I think that the criticisms could be brought out in a more helpful manner.   Just saying we like the piece or love the piece, albeit encouraging, doesn't really offer the writer ways of improving.  I suggest we say why we like it or don't like it, but offer ways of improving it as well, obviously, in a constructive manner.  My best to everyone writing and reading.

My Reading List

Three Fucking Days by darkmatter (hmm)

Poets I Follow
