unforgetablesoul (Jeo)

Lost Thinker
Read Poems (43)
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Age 18
Member Since 5th September 2009
unforgetablesoul joined 5418 days ago and last visited 4522 days ago
Comments 15
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About Me

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Eh... I'm pretty open minded, I like to put myself in other people's shoes to try and understand what they're going through. Life is hard enough, so anyone that tries to make it harder isn't going to get a really pleasant reaction from me... though it will be kind of amusing, I just love being that way... I try to help in any way that I can, so if you have any problems... I am here to listen even though I don't know you personally.

I write basically to not drown in my own world. Everything I go through I write down, not letting it bottle up inside me... it's not healthy, trust me.  I've been writing for as long as I can remember... I love writing, it's a passion to me, but sometimes I can't write without music >.< I need that too, it helps me. Sometimes listening to a song is a great starter of an unknown detailed poem. You honestly never know the odds.