
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Member Since 7th November 2011
twoasone joined 4627 days ago and last visited 4047 days ago
Comments 12
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

EE Cummings, Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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This profile is not about a singular person but a duo that acts and thinks as one.  We are both husband and wife, lovers, and best friends.  While we both have unique gifts we bring to our relationship, we truly strive for oneness.  We have enjoyed many of the erotic poems on here for some time and have shared dozens with each other.  We write our own to each other and hope to share them on here as well to give back to this community of poets as well as much as we borrow.

We are not writers or poets but we both write and create poems.  They are our expressions of love and excitement for each other.  We hope those reading will enjoy.