trebledharmonies (Addicted To Internet)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 25th August 2010
trebledharmonies joined 5066 days ago and last visited 3848 days ago
Comments 17
Forum Posts 1
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Poet Introduction

I'm crrrrrrrrrrrrazy! (And pretty much have an embarrassing ego complex hurr)

Favorite Poets/Writers

Pablo Neruda - Bob Marley - Billybob Shakespeare - Neil Gaiman - Eoin Colfer - Jeffrey Eugenides

About Me

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I love listening to Eric Whitacre while high. Or any time, really.
Affectionate cats are the bomb.
I am a sandwich simpleton, and a total sugar whore.
I fell in love with a girl; I fell in love at once and most completely.
I've been reading for five years, and have never stopped loving it.

I think I can safely say that "I'd Rather Dance With You" by Kings of Convenience is my favorite song of all time.

My Reading List

"Love And Other Drugs That Hurt" by Whispered_Words (DRooney)
Planet Defrost by Abracadabra (Abra)