the_unheard (aftermath)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (116)
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Member Since 27th September 2012
the_unheard joined 4296 days ago and last visited 3590 days ago
Comments 82
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Poet Introduction

Just read my stuff, it explains better than this...

Favorite Poets/Writers

kurt cobain, emilie autumn, matt tuck, robert ljung, brian warner,

About Me

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My name is Eathan, I am under 18 years old so my opinion doesn't matter. I write stuff based on how I feel, which is dark or apathetic most of the time. I have addictions and I advise strongly against starting to use anything because I know it's horrible. My inspirations are Matt tuck, Kurt cobain, Sid vicious, layne Staley, emilie autumn, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, leadbelly, Robert Johnson, and Brian Warner(otherwise known as Marilyn Manson) I love dark things and I hate most things. I love people though, because some of them are interesting and real, but some are fake and moronic. But I've went on and on about my shitty self, just read my poems

My Reading List

Spear of Hope by clio13

Poets I Follow
