
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 4th October 2012
shes_not_alone joined 4295 days ago and last visited 4294 days ago
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Poet Introduction

i like to write dark mysterious poems that make you wonder i like to write depressing poems and stuff along that line

About Me

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im obessesed with poetry i love to write it i love to read it its who i am its my passion please if you like my poems inbox with different ideas i can write about anything if you dont like something tell me how i could have did it different i love feed back but not if your super rude and your just trying to put me down

My Reading List

Kill my Corpse.. by KandiKatKatastroph (xXDemonScarsXx)
Erase This Part Of Me by Fallenangelsweapon (Stitchless Wounds)