
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
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Member Since 15th April 2013
shell09 joined 4099 days ago and last visited 3666 days ago
Comments 41
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Poet Introduction

id like to think i write dark ( urgh sorry ), slightly psychedelic, nasty poetry that lends itself to performance.

Favorite Poets/Writers

vollmann, cornell, wyndorf, mrs moran, good ol buk, will self, douglas adams, orwell

About Me

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Back and relatively sober! dont knock the bedroom detox.

Rather lazy and very cynical, the worlds a terrible scene i just cant ignore, afterall i need something to complain about.

terminally unemployed and for good reason, my week as a forklift driver resulted in a 300% increase in crashes.

so i may be able to describe myself as a record breaker!

its very rare that i get around to writing, only in small bits n bobs, i come on here for inspiration, comment on a few poems to gear me up, then i end up heading out on the hour long walk to the 24 hour shop that shall remain nameless.


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