sbenavidez (stepahnie renee benavide)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 9th January 2013
sbenavidez joined 4198 days ago and last visited 3965 days ago
Comments 10
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About Me

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my name is stephanie im in band i love meeting new boys/men .im sweet ,funny loveing some times lol can call me steph:)past nick names long legs ,babe,hot stuff and oreo....talens ......cheerleading ,track,singing , band and dance ......favorite colors black red and green........favorite foods ... any thing that don't eat me first .........Some people thank that I’m just a kid .well this kid has been thru a lot we I was 3 or 4 I was taken from my mom because my mom dues drugs and   she picked them over me  ……..everyone I tell this to is always like I so sorry you had to go thru that well I’m not I gave me the strength to be me and do good in life my goal in life are to be a therapist  .

My Reading List

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You Are Beautiful by abowen
broken smile by brokenlife
forum by brokenlife
my love by brokenlife
this world by brokenlife
new love by brokenlife

Poets I Follow
