
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (22)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 12th November 2013
rmglover joined 3890 days ago and last visited 3592 days ago
Comments 41
Forum Posts 1
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Poet Introduction

These words - these words are nothing.  An attempt to bring chaos to order.  To bring darkness to light.  To let go of the pursuit of being.... painfully ordinary.  My attempt to be more like 'me' and not what you see.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespere, anywhere where I hear an inspiring piece

About Me

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Born and raised in NYC now residing in the Bronx.  Where to begin.... Started writing poetry in '95 after a love interest wrote a poem for me.  After that I kept going for several years.  Stopped for a long while and then picked it back up in 2009.  Writing took a major turn in 2011 (when I got laid off) and it has landed me (as regards to style) right where I am now.

I'm urgent.
I'm nasty.
I'm unapologetic (working on that part, anyway.)

And I'm on Deep Underground Poetry at a friend's recommendation and as a way to grow my creativity.  I was once told that my words were bigger than me and that they should be shared.


My Reading List

Full Reading List
The Throbbing-Torn Heart, (Erotic Taboo Ver. Of Tell – Tale Heart) by TheMonsterfromHe11 (The Successor Of Poe)
Dew by Chiyo (Miss Chi)
Avante Imperre by WordsUnspoken (MissMotionless)
Pirates Get All the Bitches by WordsUnspoken (MissMotionless)
Fifty Shades of Fornication by WordsUnspoken (MissMotionless)
falling for temptation by Queennels (yxngqueen)