
Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (84)
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Member Since 8th September 2013
pseudonymous joined 3953 days ago and last visited 3589 days ago
Comments 74
Forum Posts 33
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Do I exist? That is hard to say, When nobody looks your way.

About Me

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I won't waste your time, I like anime and manga, crime shows, reading almost anything I can get my hands on, writing poetry, and I am currently trying to write a book.

Questions comments and concerns? Message me.
Want to talk? Message me.

If you have any pointers on what I could do better, your advice would be much appreciated.

I have a blog, it's a new thing. Trying to write daily, thought it would be good for me. Totally failing at the daily thing. Not enough going on in my life to write daily. Maybe weekly.

Thank you for your time.


My Reading List

Your Soul by ShyFairy