
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 12th April 2013
peacewicca joined 4105 days ago and last visited 4071 days ago
Comments 4
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Poet Introduction

I am white light. Alone I am very plain. But with a prism of loved ones I become a rainbow of personality

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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Well... I am very easily described as a nature lover. Some might note that I am a Solitary Wiccan but I would love to join a coven. My friends would say I am very strange but that's ok I love them anyway... I believe a certain rede could cure the world's problems... " An it harm none, do as you will "  this means that as long as you hurt nothing, not even yourself, do whatever you want. Besides that I am an avid reader and shamelessly gay. :)