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Member Since 8th October 2012
ossy joined 4288 days ago and last visited 4054 days ago
Comments 24
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Poet Introduction

I have been a poet for some decades now  and enjoy the feel of aspiring to better the best. So far, I have not been published but have successfully written  over five hundred poems,  three novels while still writing come each new dawn.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, George Gordon Lord Bryon, Jean Auel, Chimaman Adichie

About Me

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I'm the second of twins
born fifth of seven kids,
the fourth of which was taken
to heaven by the cherubs.
I love my family so much,
however, life had seen the stages of growth up to independent living and so, I am presently single sometimes lonely since a month's travel to my Natal day.

I have been a poet for some decades now
and enjoy the feel of aspiring to better the best.
So far, I have not been published but have successfully written
over five hundred poems,
three novels while still writing come each new dawn.

A friend recommended this site to me,
and so I'm here to explore poetry
and poetical wits just like I do
at gotpoetry.com.
I have been a scholar all my life and is hoping to learn something from you.

Life in general have treated me fairly well,
showing me both sides of a coin
such as in love and pain, joys and sorrows, wisdom and folly and the whole lot of experiences which could attest in the end that I'm proud to have lived life.

I love brain games, traveling, listening to soulful music, listening to any poetry reading, reading books of literature, exploring new heights, meeting interesting persons and playing with little children. I have worked in some charity homes and campaigned for the less privilege.
I am unemployed and self employed at the same time.

In my whole life, I have learnt so many things, admired integrity, adored selflessness, cheered honesty and reverence goodness yet in all these I have come to learn most; "the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom."

My Reading List

The Mountain by ricecake

Poets I Follow
