
Strange Creature
1awards Pakistan
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 30th December 2012
orangesun joined 4208 days ago and last visited 3960 days ago
Comments 6
Forum Posts 8
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Poet Introduction

when things become silent inside me, the outside world comes inside and every sound changes into something else, something that is more than ordinary living. i write about that.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Barret Browning, T.S.Eliot

About Me

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well i have been writing for a long time, can be eccentric but  overall contrive to be sane, am currently in med school, poetry for me is what makes living living, i love to just sit and look at things and characters till they are all inside my head and sometimes people stay inside my head for really long, so long that the outside versions of them are not the same as the hauntingly alive shapes that walk inside my head, i am rather untidy, i live in  the med school hostel and am famous in it as the girl with the messiest room. and  well i'm also not really fond of parties or large gatherings, they just tend to upset me slightly....

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Who Was I Am by runningturtle87
Why Is a Round Room by runningturtle87
A classic Tale of Maybe by lepperochan (CraicDealer)
Smoking in the Hospital by JohnVincent (John Vincent DeVito)
Documentaries make me think. by Mitochondrial (Will lou White)
Her name, i forgot. by Mitochondrial (Will lou White)

Poets I Follow
