miss_masturbation (Ava Renei)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (39)
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Age 28
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 11th March 2010
miss_masturbation joined 5230 days ago and last visited 4812 days ago
Comments 88
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Poet Introduction

i hurt, therefore i am

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sylvia Plath, Anna Sexton, Seamus Heaney,

About Me

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height: 5'4
Weight: 92 lbs

My name is ava.. or you can call me Prava.
i believe that i am very mature for my age and it shows in my written work.

so please do not comment on an erotic poem with
"what the hell, you're too young to be writing this. EIGHTEEN IS THE APPROPRIATE AGE."

it is my right to be able to write about things that i HAVE  experienced. fuck consorship.

"there's hardly a difference betweeen sex and poetry"

Poets I Follow
