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Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 16th March 2014
littlePrince joined 3762 days ago and last visited 3596 days ago
Comments 34
Forum Posts 23
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

so many things to say, to write about, i want to give them to you to read, experience, judge, and decide for yourself if these are gems or stones.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost and Stephen King probably.

About Me

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i can be a typical angsty teenager, but hey, sometimes i come up with something sweet. i love my moirail, and want to visit her someday. um... what else... it seems i can only use articulate language-forget eloquent- when i write some form of poetry. oh yeah, i love music, it keeps me sane.
also, if you give criticism or compliments on one of my poems, i wont respond to them. im not being rude, im just not good at compliments, and i dont know how to respond to criticism. although i do keep all tips for improving my poetry in mind! sometimes i even write it down! ::3

My Reading List

The Savior by rainbow_kitteh (defined-insane-luke)
Dizzy and the loneliness beast by notawafflemaker (Jimmie)
Fiction by AnonymousWings
Kill Me If I’m Such A Problem by rainbow_kitteh (defined-insane-luke)

Poets I Follow
