lifefordeath (karissa lee)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 18th October 2011
lifefordeath joined 4647 days ago and last visited 4599 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

my poetry is mostly depressing but it is honest truthful and realistic i show the feelings most hide and say how i feel if you dont like it dont be afraid to tell me

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edger Allen Poe, robert frost, emliy dickons

About Me

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I love to write. It is my passion, it is the way to show how i really love it with out my poetry i would die mintally! Well let me know what yall think!!!! XD if you dont like my poetry tell me i believe that critcism is good for a writer. i write honest and real and i speak from the heart if you are upset by something i say let me know please.  

Poets I Follow
