
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 6th June 2012
leonardo joined 4412 days ago and last visited 4333 days ago
Comments 14
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Poet Introduction

Amateur, comedic, romantic.

Favorite Poets/Writers

John Wilmot, Dylan thomas, Tennyson,Jon Silkin, Betjemen, Shakespeare, Byron.

About Me

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I only have had one poem published; a long long time ago. I have written many and have received good comments for most of them but I believe my English lets me down. My knowledge of grammar,spelling and poetry forms and rythmns leaves me a weak poet.

I am a bit of a romantic and have, even at my age, a very sexual nature; unfortunate as you get old, because you could be labelled a dirty old man.

I do not like filth for filths sake; phrases like "I held her sex". "Love juices dripping down thighs", etc,etc, I find juvenile and peurile. Good sex should be written well and have some litery merit; anyone can write titilating, sick, junk.

Poets I Follow
