kristinakarate (Kristina Leigh)

Lost Thinker
1awards United States
Read Poems (9)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 9th April 2012
kristinakarate joined 4472 days ago and last visited 3676 days ago
Comments 17
Forum Posts 10
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Poet Introduction

I love critism, especially of the constuctive sort. Deconstructive critisms and meanness just suck, therefore if you do either one, you suck. :P

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sherrilyn Kenyon

About Me

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My name is Kristina, I am a 19 year old single, mother of a beautiful baby girl. I graduated from high school in 2011 and I am now divorced and couldn't be happier. I am incredibly open about my life, and I never hide anything, nor am I ashamed of anything I've done in my life. If you ever want to know something about me, just ask.

I absolutely love, love, love musicals. They are the best poetry ever made. <3

My Reading List

old habits die hard by pure_emo117

Poets I Follow
