
Strange Creature
Read Poems (4)
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Member Since 14th July 2013
komier joined 4012 days ago and last visited 3912 days ago
Comments 12
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About Me

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i dont usually watch the news. nor do i get the paper or regularly read magazines. I also dont scan news feeds on my 'puter very often.

i dont follow the entertainment stars, or sports teams. i dont know the latest fashions or pop culture. i cant debate politics or discuss the stock market.

i cant tell which brands are best or who makes the finest. i dont know which people are iconic figures or who has influence.
i suck at learning history and remembering geography, so i dont know when things occurred or where things happened.

in the past i have tried, but now...
i choose not to know.

if something appeals to me, i like it.
if it makes me feel, i appreciate it.
if it is important, i know it.
when it goes wrong, i recognize it.

Quirky bits:
~ If I had a choice, I would be a tree.
~ There is fibonacci found in lateralus. Solfeggio frequencies vibrate through me.
~ I like Ok Go on toast and how mad the world is with my Metallica.
~ Captain Vegetable is my hero.
~ On certain days rainbows dance in my kitchen.
~ I often think in cartoons and algebraic equations. This year I am Prime.
~ DoBeDoBeDo
~ Komier began as a barbarian rogue, but it's a call I've heard all my life. Peeps use my nickname all the time without knowing.. It's fun when said with an accent.
~ My - has kinks in it.