just_lonely (Megan. Just Megan)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (19)
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Member Since 5th July 2013
just_lonely joined 4021 days ago and last visited 3816 days ago
Comments 12
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Poet Introduction

Does sucha thing as love exist. When i seek for it i find only pain and despair,im pathetic, i cant seem to understand love, i cant find it either..

About Me

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Wow! I never though people would like my poems... I  thought i was only going to get like 10 or 12 views, but i have like 3 or four hundred views! You guys inspire me and keep me writing, actually your comments are helping me with my depression. I love you guys!

My name is Megan, i have a severe case of depression, and im very bipolar, i tried to kill myself various times, my parents are divorced and well i, very antisocial, I dont have ,any friends, i guess thats it :): Please view my poems, i know they're not that good but i like to write them.


My Reading List

Emotional Void by LaraD
Monster by Liv_ing_ston_ed (Mia.)