Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (70)
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Member Since 13th March 2014
jIMNUT_rOARIN joined 3765 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
Comments 172
Forum Posts 8
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Clumsy gesture and strange silence before the panel judges. Much timetravel lag, thus employment and land ownership weren't possible. These buttons and screens will be lost, a return to the desert rocks will be made, flowing back into Far Depths again.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Any strange character ranting on the sidewalks

About Me

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This indeed is the Deep Underground Profile of Jim Nut Roarin.  Politely egged on to join the community by a certain accomplice, JC Luff, I plan to use this site as the principal location on the internet for my poetic works.

I am swiftly progressing toward feebleness and senility, and am pretty much at the end of my organismal usefulness.  I have little care for the security cameras as I stroll the civilian streets these days, but still I keep an eye on them.  Though I enjoy my morning oatmeal with garlic and sauerkraut, and wave my hands fiercely with every proclaimed sentence, I do consider myself acceptable enough to be seated at most dinner tables.  Though I possess around 5 to 10 thousand dollars of rough assets in the form of metallic bullion, musical instrument and small weaponry, I am legal enough to operate a motorized vehicle, competent enough to become a certified professional accountant, eccentric enough to work on Mars and surprisingly often sober enough to perform a talk on TED. (No no, they would never let someone like me talk on TED!)

But I have grown up with enough housecats and mildew to produce just the right amount of neurological disorder, making me actually remotely interesting enough to be invited to your dinner tables...

Many of my poems are founded on the material struggles of life and the thirst for Alleviation and Transcendence.  My work can be divided into three main groupings: serious and conventional works of the usual poetic mettle; sarcastic and cynical works more loosely structured, containing an undercurrent of bitter commentary on the way things are; and just sheer nonsense.  I will try to submit a balanced portfolio over the course of my stay here, hopefully focusing on the former and sparsely on the latters.  But it is also in your hands: If you think I'm getting far too dreary and downtrodden, tell me and I will change course and throw in some more light humour.  Or likewise, if things get way too rowdy and out of hand, tell me and I will tone it down a bit, and get back to the Long Vision.

Although I am probably considered by some to be a somewhat upbeat person, there won't be too many poems posted to the Upbeat Poems section...
But I will say that I am one of the few humans on the planet who is anxiously awaiting the third installment of the "SHARKNADO" epic...

I am attempting to visit the site daily for up to a year, attempting to post a work every day (with the exception of government and Religious holidays).  This will never happen of course, since I am a mortal hassled by car repairs and taxation forms and furniture dusting - but I'll try to get at least 200 up for you good people.  Since I'm well past my expiration date, can't remember the last two minutes and can barely bend over to tie my own shoelaces, I just don't have the juices anymore to write anything new and invigorating.  Thus I will be following the rigorous structure of posting my works anti-chronologically, starting with the latest and ending with the eldest.  I will be assembling here on this site an informal anthology of my entire works, through all of its' sordid phases and periods, starting from the most recent tattered notebook I scribbled upon, and haphazardly dashing all the way back to the time when things started to go terribly wrong...

Further lengthy explanations, to calm your minds that a possible madman such as myself is walking on the same planet as you, are posted here:

More About Me Crap:

Profile User Manual:

[General Disclaimer: The consistency of my usage of the internet and this awesome site will vary considerably, therefore I may not be able to respond to your commentaries in good time.  I will want to respond to everything and look forward to spending much time here as the days go by.  Please feel free to say absolutely anything in your comments, even if it has nothing to do with the poem.   Please inform me if something is too offensive, not offensive enough, or just plain dumb, and I will get to it to either revise the piece or remove it.  Also, if you wish to know more about me, please demand it in your comments or in a private message, and I will try to provide more realistic statistics - but no guarantees.  I'm a pretty decent, chill individual in the real daylight world.  Thank you.]

My Reading List

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bullets never get lonely by JohnFeddeler
la noirceur à l'intérieur by Vandel_Viaclovsky (Van)
Streams of crystal by EmptyTree
l'élégant petit chacal by Vandel_Viaclovsky (Van)
Crayons by JC-Luff

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (40)