
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 25th January 2014
ivuhreenicole joined 3817 days ago and last visited 3606 days ago
Comments 19
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Poet Introduction

I'm not really a poet. I just like writing to pass the time and get out my feelings.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Vladimir Lenin

About Me

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i'm not as 'sexual', 'weird' and 'dark' as my poems lol i'm actually a really cool ass person to be around. I don't know much about poetry. I just started writing like a while ago...just for fun i guess. It's not the best of poetry but it's something to pass the time. Hope you like it. Thanks for all the reads and comments. They mean a lot to me. If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me :)or follow me on twitter @lostnlifted