
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (13)
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Age 24
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 7th March 2014
ilovescarystories joined 3773 days ago and last visited 3602 days ago
Comments 18
Forum Posts 14
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Hello! :) I normally write creepypastas but Flaky showed me this website and I might be writing here more often. I am quite young so if you give me critcism by all means be as harsh as you want.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edger Allan Poe

About Me

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Im a student inside of middle school, going to high school in a few months. I am also from a writing website named someordinarygamers, and I write creepypastas. I think im medicore at best when it come to writing. My grammar is off by a lot. Be as harsh as you want with my stories, in fact I recommend it. Im sorry if this takes away any reading thoughts. Im very happy to be here and I hope we can become friends. Thank you all have a great day ^.^

My Reading List

Caged by KiriFaust_XIII

Poets I Follow
