htiedemann (hannah Tiedemann)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 4th December 2012
htiedemann joined 4231 days ago and last visited 4189 days ago
Comments 12
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Poet Introduction

My poetry has been described as raw, and exhausting, honest or admitting... they're all just cover-ups

Favorite Poets/Writers

Kurt Vonnegut

About Me

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Sometimes I really just don't know how fill in the white void that surrounds these questions, and if I were to tell you about myself- it would either be way worse or way better than I already am. So let me just state facts & say I'm Hannah, I like to read, and write. I like poetry but it's hard for me to focus on a single poet and say that is my favorite. My favorite poem, however is by Ferlinghetti: I Am Waiting. That poem is awesome, and takes a lot.

Poets I Follow
