
Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 29th August 2013
hawthorn joined 3959 days ago and last visited 3602 days ago
Comments 5
Forum Posts 6
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Poet Introduction

Hi. I'm hawthorn. I first wrote poetry about 23 years ago.  I wrote it out of the blue for one year, then stopped as inexplicably as I'd started. Published in half a dozen mags. Starting up again now.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Bukowski, M. Longley. Olds, Vincent Millay, Frost ...

About Me

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Prefer to be outdoors, nature, water, but city life can be satisfying. Enjoy travelling, not always meeting people. Often get more from the journey than arriving. Not a group person though I do try for short periods.  Three, to me, is a crowd. I've been on the margins of good/great things but have not been part. Seems I am here more to watch and record than to effect change. To do this with some success will be enough.