
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (11)
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Birthday 16th June
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Member Since 6th February 2012
emokittycuts joined 4536 days ago and last visited 4146 days ago
Comments 24
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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My name is Joni and im 15. yes im emo but i have my scene moments. i love the arts (theater, music, poetry, painting and drawings, etc.) and im involved with all the arts.

when an emotions consumes me i must write a poem. i write them on everything distruction of property... upps): in the park, on a bathroom stall, on the wall of a school, in the middle of the street.

so this is me and i hope you enjoy my poems

My Reading List

that feeling you get by xXlovekillsxX
One Way Love by WhisperingDeath (Matt Harrop)
Burned; The Pleasure is Mine by decayingfebruary (Wolf)
Freedom: Act 1, Scene 1 by KandiceBush (Kandice Bush)
Road to nowhere by Benji (Ben.)

Poets I Follow
