
Thought Provoker
5awards United States
Read Poems (118)
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Member Since 28th January 2013
deadwolf joined 4173 days ago and last visited 3585 days ago
Comments 248
Forum Posts 147
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Poet Introduction

Nothing there that I can see, nothing there staring back at me; Therefore,there is no more I "I" don't exist anymore there is just me. me am not really a poet so much, as me am just a daydreamer that loves to write… o.0

Favorite Poets/Writers

Lennon /McCartney; Bob Dylan; Roger Waters; Robert Plant; Johny Lee Hooker; Dante; Sir Thomas Malory

About Me

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For all that I should have said an have not, for all that I should have done, and have not done, Oooh my Soul, I Love you... On that note Little more detailing about me, hhhmmm. here it is in a nut shell: I am a walking contradiction, I am a mocker, a Modder, a Rocker and a hipster, a student and a teacher, a poet and musician, beggar and thief, hero and honorable man, a baby, I been lost and found, Allstar Baseball player, and good and bad friend, Lover and fighter, Both Scorner and scorned, healer and patient, mechanic, pervert and goody goody LOL, nerd and macho, cook and customer, Son, husband, employee, student, Guru, shopper, builder, dreamer, partier, and shy, withdrawn and outgoing, drunk and sober, ahead of schedule and behind schedule, healthy and unhealthy, Driver passenger and a side seat driver happy and sad, liar and cheater and not a liar and a cheater, short tempered and long suffering and patient, sugar and caffeine addict, junk food junky, a foody, a health nut, an indoor private apartment dancer, I only begun to ruin and defile myself and I improve my self and strive to be that better man that I am always striving to become, fast witted and slow of speech at times, certain and uncertain, cautious and reckless, sensitive and comfortably numb... Remember, there are NO problems, only solutions...
My Lifes theme songs...
would LOVE to talk, Dont Judge me... o.0

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Gothic Gundown (w/ JohnFeddeler) by BlackVelvetRose (Velvet Rose)
Fuck buddy by brokenedsoul (Adriana Jane)
love is a gypsy by JohnFeddeler
... don't spoil her ... by LobodeSanPedro
Reflection by Maenad

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (55)