cmspitz (Spitz)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (43)
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Member Since 4th February 2014
cmspitz joined 3800 days ago and last visited 3584 days ago
Comments 132
Forum Posts 79
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Poet Introduction

"The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world" Hermann Hesse

About Me

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Hello, my name is Spitz. I refuse to vote. I'm a nihilistic atheist, but not the crazy kind.

I enjoy self refection and I am constantly changing my view points. I suffer from dyslexia, schizophrenia, and insomnia, so poetry is a great way to deal with that. I write some darker shit, but I wouldn't say it is necessarily dark. I tend to use a little Latin in some of my pieces just to showboat.  I love criticism no matter how harsh, and encourage it. It makes me stronger.

I like any kind of music genre, however, the song has to beautiful, unique, heavy or just plain awesome. Television is not my thing, however I enjoy youtube, anime and Dr. Who. My hobbies include writing random shit as well as poetry, policy debate through the city circuit, skinning humans alive and using their bones in my soup*, and long walks on the beach. My favorite animal is nonexistent because I'm waiting for Apple to invent the otter-raven-dog, or a dragon that can speak only in riddles.

Fun fact, Nietzsche and Virgil have the same birthday as me. That's as interesting as I get, when you look at it. Thank you for reading this flavor text that I wrote because I was bored.

*I do NOT directly kill any sentient form of life nor use parts of the "victim's" body in soups.

My Reading List

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Birth of a Rebel by LobodeSanPedro
Influcks by 13
I Know Nothing by Pishashee
I'm Underneath by LadyOfTheNight

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (10)