
Strange Creature
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 27th February 2014
cabcool joined 3779 days ago and last visited 3646 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I have been writing poems since I was 13 years old.  I have had many publications of individual poems in newspapers, magazines, electronic forums, by the International Library of Poets.

About Me

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I'm all poetry; I sleep it, wake it, live it, breathe it, pamper my loved ones with it, confess my thoughts with it, adore my mother with it, worship God through it, hide messages in it, and decipher situations around it.

I have already published a book; entitled "a kiss to die for," it profiles about 60 of my poems and 30 of my photographic images.  The title poem, as the name suggests, is significantly erotic - and will no doubt find its way here before long.

For me, the whole idea of poetry is to diversify the ways in which we can express ourselves, and to have the power of choice when deciding whether poetry or prose or silence would best be our mode of expression in given situations.