
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 25th June 2012
bootmarine123 joined 4396 days ago and last visited 4349 days ago
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Poet Introduction

i am the dave J P

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About Me

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i cannot stop. i am going to write a fiction novel, name to be determined, so far its about being abused/hurt by everyone around me, physically beaten emotionally distrought, maybe one day i will make some happy parts. maybe some day the pain will end. hopefully soon my life will end. that is my biggest accomplishment. i have some illnesses that may contribute. i have an anxiety disorder, clinical depression, personality disorder NOS, psychotic disorder, and multiple sclerosis (MS) all of these labels were given to me by professional doctors and i wonder just how true it can really be. i need my own proof. the Dr.'s have their own system to label someone and i have mine.