bluegirl19 (ErinH)

Twisted Dreamer
3awards Canada
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Member Since 14th May 2013
bluegirl19 joined 4068 days ago and last visited 3791 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I am a university student and aspiring writer who just likes to write about whatever happens to come and inspire me

Favorite Poets/Writers

Matthew Arnold, Elizabeth Bishop, Margaret Atwood,Yeats

About Me

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My name is Erin, and I'm currently a student studying Communications and English. I have always loved books and reading, and recently I have discovered a new interest in writing poetry, as well as reading it. I try to create poems that contain lots of imagery as well as poems that can be applicable to a great number of people, and I really hope you enjoy them!

If you can, check out my blog!

Random Facts about Me
Favorite English Writing Period: Medieval/ Early Modern Lit on a whole though I am beginning to really appreciate the Victorian Period as well
Favorite Poem: Toss up between "One Art" and "Dover Beach"
Favorite Book: "Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Favorite Music: Pretty Much Anything, though my favorites have to be music that contains a violin or cello or music that has a Celtic feel
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Collection: I collect spoons, as in tourist/decorative spoons, not legitimate cutlery

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Adamant Love by SuiGen (Terry)
The Carousel by CuttingTeeth
Dark Rose by atarliss
SUCCUBUS by Solomon_Song
The key's ribbon. by Firefox313 (Ella)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (7)