
Lost Thinker
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Member Since 28th October 2013
bjboy joined 3906 days ago and last visited 3592 days ago
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I hold back a side of me from everyone - except for this DUP poetry. I share with you the sexuality pent up, confined til now, when it spirts out like an intense ejaculation. I want to talk about homosexuality with you all. To explain my view on how it originates, develops in the mind and in terms of action.

I was talking with a woman recently. She said she's not interested in men. I replied:"Its easier to be interested in someone of the same sex than the opposite sex." I mean it's easy to be interested in the genitals of someone of the same sex. For they are the same as your own, which you evidently love because you derive pleasure from them(over and over again). You can feel familiar with another's genitals, even a perfect stranger, when those genitals are almost your very own - because they are a copy of the organ you are already totally familiar with.

But with somebody of the opposite sex, no matter how many times you see, touch, manipulate the thing they have, you feel NOT familiar with it. Why? Because you are familiar only with the outside of it, not the inside! A man can't know what a vagina feels like, no matter if he's played with it a thousand times. Because he doesn't have one himself (to explore). But if he touches an erection, he knows what his partner if feeling, why? Because he's practiced on himself, his own organ. He has already discovered what his own organ feels like when touched this way or that. And when it reaches orgasm.

Long story short: Homosexuality's appeal boils down to this: you get to feel like a mind-reader! For you have a sense that the other person's organ is yours, your own. For it not only is a copy of it, you have a sense that you know - KNOW! - the sensation he's feeling as if you were inside his skin with him. Enuff for now. More later. PS: I'm not endorsing homosexuality.I'm just trying to understand the power of it, you see? Any comments? Send me an email.