
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (13)
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Member Since 13th October 2012
Toomb joined 4286 days ago and last visited 3784 days ago
Comments 10
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Not any particular favourite. If I like what I read, it could be by anyone

About Me

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I'm Welsh. Im a sandwich short of a pic nic. Im sound as a pound. I'm not into anything that doesn't involve narcotics or alcohol. I like writing bunk at stupid o'clock whilst chain smoking and pickled onion monster munch. I amuse my self all the time but am not easily amused by others, unless your on my level. I get metaphorical n' shit or laugh hysterically in a Urinate my pants kinda way. I draw the line at soiling myself because that's gross. I'd rather shit in my hands and clap. Et toi?

My Reading List

line of detremation by the_unheard (aftermath)
Eternal by darkestdesires

Poets I Follow
