
Strange Creature
Read Poems (2)
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Age 41
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Member Since 19th May 2010
ThomasKrist joined 5159 days ago and last visited 5155 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Kant, Nietzsche, Poe, Mark Twain, Emerson

About Me

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I AM an optimist in that I believe ONE person can change the world. I AM a pessimist in that I know the world needs changed. I AM an Idealist in that I believe people and thus the world are changeable. I AM a realist in that I know changing requires time, great effort, collective and personal sacrifice (i.e., LOVE). And YES, the ends, IF achieved, does justify the means. As for now the psychologically weak and thus madness prevail. How, you ask, can weaklings prevail OVER the strong? Because in a democracy, a THOUSAND mental weaklings can overcome ("out-vote") ONE who is intellectually superior. As for now, the political and philosophical current has produced a ratio of a thousand nihilist and relativist to one rationalist, but this poisonous sociopolitical air is shortly to clear, for our strength soon rises above the strings of the marionette thousands! Our enduring Motto? PER VERITATEM VIS
