The_bloody_rose (Heather Mazzagotte)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (11)
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Member Since 19th February 2013
The_bloody_rose joined 4156 days ago and last visited 4116 days ago
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Poet Introduction

As a poet I tend to be darker and deeper than some will go. My mind has been through everything bad imaginable and I put that emotion into the writing i create. I am a real and inspired writer who will cross boundaries to become better

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, The Grimm Brothers

About Me

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I am just an average girl. Facing the struggles of reality and dealing with the haunt of my ghost of the past. I may not be like the others you come across but i am human so judgment is not needed. I am a typically happy person..when around people. I suffer from chronic depression and withdraw alot. Poetry is my escape from the life I entered into. Music is the pain killer in my life. Too many bands too count have saved my life and im thankful to be here today. I believe everyone is beautiful, imperfections just make you exceptional from the next person you encounter. I am becoming a better writer but I admit I am still beginning. Any critisism is accepted and encouraged.

Poets I Follow
