
Twisted Dreamer
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Read Poems (55)
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Member Since 15th June 2011
TheFallenAngelist joined 4767 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
Comments 93
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Poet Introduction

Hi and welcome to my little world in which the dead are the living, and the living are the dead....

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare

About Me

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Roses are Dead.
Violets are Rotten.
I'm freaking crazy, or have you forgotten?!

(some of the stuff I write is because of some things I watched or listened to, therefor it's not connected to me)

On the Tumblr page I post as Felix ~ .

When reading my poems be cautious when reading for they are not all cheerful and happy. Most of the topics are rather depressing and morbid. None the less, thank you for taking time to read this and my poems ♥