
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Member Since 2nd February 2014
Suoaei joined 3802 days ago and last visited 3761 days ago
Comments 31
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Ursula K LeGuin; Shel Silverstein; Hafiz

About Me

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I'm a young woman from lovely northern California. I came to this site looking for a place to share and read poetry, having already found many other sites that were unsatisfying. Something about DU is special, and I'm looking forward to getting to know the poets here.
I'll tell you a bit about me. I'm always trying new things, and I guess I'm kind of radical. Last year I graduated from college and worked a cashiering job, and then I decided I wanted nothing more to do with either of those worlds. This year I live and work on a dairy farm, and I'm learning to drive a motorcycle.
I love freedom and independence. I love food, and I eat raw meat and dairy. I love travel, and I'm already dreaming of my next adventure. Most of all, I love falling in love.
I am bisexual. And polyamorous. Not the kind of bisexual woman who has casual sex with the ladies in between her serious heterosexual relationships, but the kind who falls in love with beautiful members of both genders over and over again, and reserves the right to love them all at the same time, and have casual sex with anybody I please on the side.
I also love words. And people. I'm interested in the way people are inside, and the way I am inside, and finding the right words to express that. I care about the 'why's of things. Conversations about the 'why's of anything are very fun to have!
I am a whole, unbroken human being. Not because I've never known hardship, but because I came out on the other side. I'm happy, curious, excited about life. I feel that the darknesses that claim half the universe are simply part of the game. I like to laugh and play, and gently tease. I like to run down the street for no reason, and dance naked in the rain. Little things make me happy--the sun on the ocean at the end of the day, soft earth under bare feet, hot rinse water for the dishes--and sharing all those things with friends.
If you'd care to strike up a conversation, send me a message--I'd love to meet some of the fascinating people who write here in the DU!

Poets I Follow
