SullenGirl (LadyLinguist)

Strange Creature
United States
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 27th June 2014
SullenGirl joined 3664 days ago and last visited 3664 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Glutton for punishment. Dark sense of humor. Nothing like unicorns and rainbows. More like incessant sadness and the constant search for that high I used to get from writing and not dope.  The two go hand in hand in my stuff.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Bukowski, Burroughs, Henry Miller, Tennyson, Milton, Toni Morrison, Ketchum, Joyce Carol Oates

About Me

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Passionate, quirky, loyal, bold, relentless, sarcastic, whimsical, witty, sometimes abrasive. Often misunderstood as a very intense, neurotic OCD control freak, however I am just an intense person. You either get me or you don't and I'm okay with that. I am brutally honest, yet very caring and very much a dedicated friend and companion. Life is too short to sugar coat things, facts hurt feelings and once we just accept things for what they are, it is a helluva lot easier and more fun to go ahead and experience this vortex of constant daily battles we call "life". I like to laugh. Music is my saving grace as well as the art of language. I have a love/hate relationship with my writing just as I do with my addiction, which I think go hand in hand.

I am that girl that will always make you crack a smile, I love hard and deeply and usually get my heart broken somewhere along the line. That is what fuels our fire no? I am a extremely open minded person generally speaking as well as sexually. My mind is a dark, twisted monsoon of emotions and thoughts. My sense of humor isn't for everyone and that's cool.
Nothing offends me AT all and I love meeting new, like minded individuals that aren't afraid to push the envelope for the sake of transcendent journeys of their own ever evolving being.
