SophiaRose (Nc Pauze)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (28)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 16th January 2013
SophiaRose joined 4191 days ago and last visited 3651 days ago
Comments 107
Forum Posts 3
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Poe to Thoureau to Dr Suess, love all writers,

About Me

Read Full
I am a writer of poems and short stories, fiction blended with real life.

Nursing is a career I am proud to contribute to

my proudest accomplishment:
My 4 adult children, years of childbearing and appreciating the gift all of them are.

Took me half my life to realize marriage just doesnt work for me. Divorce number 2 under my belt, It is all good!

My weakness:
A pair of Stilettos'

My Vice:
Coffee and Nicotine

My Reading List

Full Reading List
The Locklears Chapter One by edward (Keith E Baucum)
A Relapse Story by Gemini (Mr. Gemini)
Hooked by percy7000
Think... by BLaccZacc
I Use To Have fun by cgreen0713 (courtney green)

Poets I Follow
