
Lost Thinker
South Africa
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 29th June 2013
Simon_III_Msibi joined 4027 days ago and last visited 3593 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 38
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Poet Introduction

Im a nerd without glasses a hero without a cape a knight without the shining armor im the truth in a world of lies n we all know the truth always Prevails

About Me

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All my life maths like activities thats were im at my prime left side dominated they say but were does my over active imagination come from i only started writing officially in 2011 as a point when i felt bored by now im at the point when im not even sure if i want carry on in the field where ive got quite a writing i dont know what trully inspires it i write because i can and who knows where this path will take me

My Reading List

I Write, Therefore I Am by yesteryearsrequiem
Scratch my Itch.. by feenixfiles