
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (27)
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Member Since 11th April 2013
ShyFairy joined 4103 days ago and last visited 3696 days ago
Comments 140
Forum Posts 73
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Poet Introduction

I write many different kinds of poems and though I try to keep them upbeat, some don't quite work out that way. Most are about love and the heartbreak that goes along with it...

About Me

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Hi! My name is Nicole.I'm a black haired girl with eyes that are constantly changing their mind colorwise between blue, green, gray, or any combination of the three. I'm always tryin to find a way to cover my freckles and I've been told that (style wise) I'm a little rock and country. I totally love my friends and I have had quite a few issues in life though I'm only 16. I have a mild case of bipolar and have abandonment issues as well as trust issues. So if I come off a little mean or somethin at times.... I'm sorry but I can't help that... Oh! and since my profile refuses to show my birthday it's Sep. 10!!!  I am pretty shy and girly but I love to write poems and sometimes songs too. I love finding people with the same interests as me and hope to get some advice or comments on my poems. I love drawing and music (especially the drums) and I tend to sing when no one else is around... Hopin' to meet some new people who like/dislike my poems!!!! :) I usually am pretty optimistic and maybe a little perverted (as in makin' jokes and stuff) lol But I normally just love to have fun and laugh and smile. (Even if my poems are kinda different from that at times.)Anyways, if anyone wants to get to know me better... feel free to ask me whatever! lol I am totally willing to meet new people and kinda hope someone would feel interested enough to ask about me! Oh, and two of my best friends on here are redrose and the punisher!!!

My Reading List

Full Reading List
These Are the Best Times by UnlovelyandAlone (LovelyDreamer)
Dreams are Reality. by redrose (Black Raven)
hearts by brokenlife
....... by brokenlife
All I ever seen. by redrose (Black Raven)
Shadows by Angel_Of_Darkness (Guardian Demon)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (16)