
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (8)
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Birthday 8th June
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Member Since 2nd October 2013
SarahKurial joined 3932 days ago and last visited 3639 days ago
Comments 15
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Poet Introduction


Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allan Poe; William Shakespeare

About Me

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To explain myself in a short paragraph would be impossible! I'm your typical Gemini woman, always bubbly and optimistic. I have a large amount of interests. Love animals, dancing, singing, science, list could go on forever. I'm a total hippie, love and respect the earth. I can't be inside very long, I love more than anything admiring nature and the beauty God has created. I'm a spiritual person, a very deep thinker; I love to meditate and smoke the herb here and there. I'm certainly a unique individual, feel free to get to know me. I love to meet new people because everyone has an amazing story to tell! Tell me your's :)

My Reading List

Full Reading List
EROTIC DREAM by Solomon_Song
A Rush of Lust by Namyh
Dark Desire by angelofdarkness
Coming Home by DystopianMelody
Hot for Mr he's-with-her by titanslayer

Poets I Follow
