
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Read Poems (52)
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Member Since 19th February 2012
RabbitJunk joined 4523 days ago and last visited 3622 days ago
Comments 60
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Poet Introduction

A self confessed emotional retard attempting to expunge his crippled soul.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Terry Pratchett. Neil Gaiman.

About Me

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Scottish, but don't hold it against me.
Mostly thankless job, put upon by the masses. My own worst enemy.
Behold the power of the self fulfilling prophecy.
Loved and lost many times but I still stay in the game.
I had found my muse and hoped I could captivate, not capture her.
Seemingly I could do neither....
Vacancy open.

My Reading List

Shame On Me by Anonymous_Writing
I Can't Write About It by g2bhapi26

Poets I Follow
