PassionOfVengeance (Jacqueline Rochelle)

Twisted Dreamer
1awards United States
Read Poems (81)
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Member Since 23rd July 2012
PassionOfVengeance joined 4365 days ago and last visited 3593 days ago
Comments 49
Forum Posts 35
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Poet Introduction

I am one to love to read, write and just be within the music of a a poem...They all have a different muse within them... Sway and turn to thy music within thy words

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, Dr.Seuss, And others...

About Me

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I am seventeen and just like others on here, I like to write.  Also I like reading what others write.  I happen to be a fan of art and like drawing, sculpting, painting or just making things.  I like to use my hands and be creative.  I like drawing things such as peoples faces, eyes, hands and dead trees.  I am a fan of music and like a lot of different types and music artists.  I also have a piano and a guitar, though am not great at playing them.  I like to help others and give advice, though am not always the best person to ask for advice, for I am not perfect.  I am a tolerant person and I try to stay calm as much as possible.  I prefer the night over day and like the dark.  I feel as though you don't need light to see what is needed.  Sometimes light doesn't show you what you need but shows you different.  I think that if you wish to see who a person is, you should close your eyes and let your mind decide.  Sometimes the world has temptations of which the eyes deceive you and block out the mind.

I also have a couple more websites yall can visit.

If you read my poems, feel free to comment and give honest critique.  It's greatly appreciated.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Poetry. by kerriesweets210 (Sweets210)
The Dream Catcher by fiveamtuesday
Scabbed hearts by thyvampiricprince (Sinister Thoughts)
what hurts the most by thymorbidmisstrs (emo-freak-xx)
My Hope Is My Destroyer by DeathsPortayal81 (DeathsPortrayal81)
Friendship bracelet by Scribbler12

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (47)