Panda-Paw (UrbanPoe)

Lost Thinker
Read Poems (22)
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Age 17
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 18th April 2010
Panda-Paw joined 5190 days ago and last visited 3586 days ago
Comments 26
Forum Posts 40
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

An amateur by the very meaning. My words are simple and used, but I like to pretend that I am able to put them into a context which appeals to the reader anyhow.

About Me

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I cannot say that my poems are build entirely of self experience, but I guess a few of my written lines could be the very marrow of my bones.

All in all; I am hoping to become better, hoping to learn how to express myself more exquisitely.

Help a strange creature on a rocky road.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Seed of Kindness by BleedingRoses
Note by storyfly
Your Final Day by JustMe
Behind many faces by NyteShade (Belle)
Me to see by JAZZMANOR
To My Father 2008 by NoFear_NoLimits

Poets I Follow
