NerdyFallenAngel (Little Hollow)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (21)
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Member Since 26th April 2012
NerdyFallenAngel joined 4453 days ago and last visited 3589 days ago
Comments 16
Forum Posts 3
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

When i write, I write what i feel. Poetry, whether i'm reading or writing it, calms me down. I don't expect people to like my writing, I do it mainly for my own pleasure. :)

Favorite Poets/Writers

Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe

About Me

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Well hi there creeper! Since you seem so interested to learn about me that you'd actually read this here we go:

-I love metal/screamo/rock and anything associated with that.
-I am a definite video game addict.
-I like to write, it relieves me.
-I am a dancer
-Baseball is my favorite sport and the only one I care to watch.
-I am not fond of people who judge me. If you like me good, if you don't I really could care less(: BUT! I am quite fond of my toothbrush:D
-I love to read, The Hunger Games, the Fallen series, and the Hush Hush series are my favorites.
-I am addicted to Fallen Angels, i guess because it's more dark than angels *shrugs shoulders*
-I'm attempting to learn violin.
-I plan on traveling.

There that's more than you need to know now please for the love of all the adorable dragons in the world, do something more productive with your life, like reading my poems. Merci beaucoup *blows kiss*.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Ultimate Sacrifice by cjmshadow (Caleb)
Gothic Beauty by NyteShade (Belle)
The Vampire's Secret (Part 4) by EternalSnow (Snow)
The Vampire's Secret (Part 3) by EternalSnow (Snow)
The Vampire's Secret (Part 2) by EternalSnow (Snow)

Poets I Follow
