
Strange Creature
South Africa
Read Poems (3)
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Birthday 4th March
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 20th April 2013
Mr_B_Roos joined 4097 days ago and last visited 4068 days ago
Comments 6
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Poet Introduction

Am just here to try my best

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost - William Shakespeare

About Me

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ButiDaPoet is my pens name,
Buti Roos be my birth name,
Mr: B. Roos be my other pens name,
All three shall be in my journey to fame...

I don't need make-up to have a face,
Speed is what i need for poetry is a race,
Show me a shrew and i will show you how it gets tamed,
Like i said - i dont need make-up to have a face

ButiDaPoet was just saying Hi
I know that this challenge is tough -
But i am here to try

My Reading List

Just Rambling I Suppose. by XxJvilleXPoetxX

Poets I Follow
